I am considering creating a simple web site where people can trade
supplies needed for sleep apnea equipment. (Supplies do not require a
prescription.) This will be a labor of love pro bono. I expect I may
have to pay out of pocket for the domain, but hopefully that can be

More importantly, I need to create the web site, and I know zero about
HTML and web site design. However, what I have in mind will be
extremely simple. Shopping carts and such are not needed because I will
not be selling anything. However, I will require some way for people to
post what they have, with an automatic deletion after a time. I am
thinking of a template that they fill out in order to post something.
Think of the page you fill out to post something on eBay, except vastly

I also need some way for people to communicate with a poster via
concealed e-mail address. And probably a subscriber/member list with
verification, lest the site get spammed.

And there are probably other things that I haven't thought of. Did I
say that I knew nothing of web design?

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