>>>>> "Jim" == Jim Garrison <j...@jhmg.net> writes:

Jim> There's a wealth of information out there on building directional
Jim> WiFi antennas.  Take a look at

Jim> http://www.turnpoint.net/wireless/cantennahowto.html

Jim> and also just Google for "cantenna".  Here's a review of a
Jim> commercial version ($50) that indicates some success at 1.2 miles
Jim> (over 6000 feet):

Jim> http://www.notebookreview.com/default.asp?newsID=2859

Jim> Also see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cantenna for a suggestion
Jim> on using a cantenna as a feed horn for a satellite dish
Jim> reflector.

I'd recommend not not buying antennas from ordinary retail outlets,
they'll sell anything that looks good in a shrinkwrapped box.  Look
here instead:


These are decent, and not expensive, we've used them before:


I saw some cheaper ones in there as well.  The ubiquiti bullets will
screw directly onto a female N-connector.  It's good to seal the
connectors too.

If you really are out in the middle of nowhere, you won't have a lot
of other transmitters to compete with.

Russell Senior, President
PLUG mailing list

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