On Wed, February 13, 2013 09:35, Richard C. Steffens wrote:
> Upgrades sure are annoying.
> I've migrated to my Ubuntu 12.04 (32 bit) machine. I'm diving into a
> real project this morning. The first thing I need to do is to set a
> header to a Word doc with the name of the file rendered in Arial 9pt
> bold italic. I've been doing this for months. I copy the file name, past
> it into the header of the Word doc (using LibreOffice Writer, of
> course), select what I just pasted, right click on it and pick Arial
> from the list of available fonts. This worked fine in LibreOffice Writer
> on Ubuntu 10.04. But Arial is not on the list. I checked to be sure that
> msttcorefonts is installed. And, actually, Arial is present already in
> the template Word doc file. I can type Arial into the font selection box
> in the LibreOffice Writer tool bar, and it changes the font of the
> selection to Arial.
> So, why isn't Arial listed as a font option? Times New Roman isn't
> there, either, although it's present in the template file.
> <rant on>
> Aren't all these "improvements" wonderful?
> <rant off>
> --
> Regards,
> Dick Steffens
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I think you need to install the "Microsoft" true type fonts, which aren't
installed by default.

If I remember correctly, the following command will start the process:
    sudo apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer

Timothy J. Bruce

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