On 02/13/2013 10:28 PM, King Beowulf wrote:
> You may want to consider open source fonts - no EULA, licenses, etc to
> deal with.  Don't forget: if you click YES to the EULA, you can legally
> bound to comply with the Microsoft font usage restrictions. Instead,

Unfortunately open source fonts are not an option. The work I'm doing 
requires the use of template files that want specific fonts, so that's 
what I use.

>> <rant on>
>> Aren't all these "improvements" wonderful?
>> <rant off>
> You get want you pay for.  Would you rather have Ubuntu/Canonical sued
> of existence?

Of course not. And I'm not against agreeing to a EULA from time to time. 
The problem this time is that the installation didn't work. I don't 
remember now whether I used the Ubuntu Software Center the first time I 
tried adding the MS core fonts or if I used the command line. But, when 
I tried the command to reinstall them the EULA dialog did not accept my 
attempt to accept the license.

My rant wasn't so much aimed at the font issue as it was at how several 
things no longer work, and I'm still not sure what change broke them. 
Two examples: I use a program called Transcribe and another called 
footpedal. These worked fine on 10.04. Transcribe works on 12.04, but 
footpedal does not. I have both of them loaded, so it's not total 
failure -- although it was total failure on the 64 bit version of 12.04. 
I tried things I found at each program's site, but haven't had time to 
work it all through. These programs are written in Python. But, are the 
problems with something in the Python code? Or are they related to 
Gnome? Are there significant differences between Gnome as used in 10.04, 
versus Gnome Classic? Or could it be some other subsystem I don't even 
know about? Sigh.

Ah, well. I have the weekend available, and there's the clinic on 
Sunday, too. Right?


Dick Steffens

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