On Sat, Apr 13, 2013 at 06:51:21AM -0700, John Jason Jordan wrote:
> On Sat, 13 Apr 2013 00:44:25 -0700
> "John Meissen" <j...@meissen.org> dijo: [Now! with major Snippage!]
> > TaxAct claims it is not their fault..  No funny stuff on the file or
> > program.
> > 
> > Now this may sound crazy to you.. I agree....  I need a hard copy of
> > my tax return..
> > Is there a good Linux tax program I should use NEXT year?
> I don't know of any Linux tax preparation programs but there are tons of
> web-based tax preparation programs out there. The IRS maintains a list
> here:
>       http://www.revenue.wi.gov/eserv/webased.html
> In case you still want to use Tax Act, have you tried printing to file?

I'll cast a vote for using online tax prep software and TaxAct was recommended
in a round about way:
    Antitrust enforcers look at more than just price when they are deciding
    whether to block a deal. They blocked H&R Block's acquisition of a
    company that made TaxACT tax software.

    "This TaxACT story is really what we call a maverick story," says Fiona
    Scott Morton, another former antitrust regulator.

    Like H&R Block and Intuit, TaxACT had free software you could use to
    file your federal tax return. Unlike H&R Block and Intuit, the Justice
    Department argued, TaxACT made a real effort to make its free version
    a product customers would really want to use.

    Aggressively giving away a product that other companies are charging
    for makes a company a maverick. That's good for competition, Morton says.

    "The maverick is helping consumers by disrupting this tacit understanding
    and coordination among the big firms not to compete too hard," she
    says. "The maverick is breaking that up and really benefiting consumers."

A company that upsets the apple cart and then fights of acquisition?  Sounds

That quote is from the Planet Money podcast:

Yeah, a story about beer monopolies.

            Michael Rasmussen, Portland Oregon  
          Be Appropriate && Follow Your Curiosity
  Other Adventures: http://www.jamhome.us/ or http://gplus.to/MichaelRpdx
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