I'm finishing (finally) assembly of a new server/workstation. It has a
60G SSD drive as /dev/sda and a 750G mechanical hard drive as /dev/sdb. I'm
collecting opinions on what partitions to mount on the SSD. So far I've
received a few on linuxquestions.org and would like the thoughts of folks

   The current partioning (which I've used for years) is:

/dev/sda3        swap
/dev/sda1        / 
/dev/sda2        /boot
/dev/sda5        /home
/dev/sda6        /usr 
/dev/sda7        /opt 
/dev/sda8        /var 
/dev/sda9        /tmp

   Having multiple partitions should (still) allow quicker access.

   A couple of folks on LQ suggested putting / and swap on the SSD. The Arch
Linux wiki advises keeping /tmp on a mechanical drive to reduce writes.
/home, /opt, /var can also be expected to have a lot of writes and a lot of
small files.

   I'm thinking of removing /boot as a separate partition and putting /,
swap, and /usr on the SSD. I am, of course, open to suggestions. And I do
need to learn about TRIM on ext4 (or one of the other file systems that
support it).

   All this after I get the current network running properly again.


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