On 01/09/2014 02:54 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Thu, 9 Jan 2014, Pete Lancashire wrote:
>> What's the chances of two SSD's ?
> Pete,
>     Small. With a 60G SSD and a 750G mechanical drive I don't need more space.
>> Today I pretty much do a RAID mirror by default.
>     I backup daily with dirvish.
>> My call keep swap off the SSD, it may be faster but keeping writes down is
>> important.
>     That's what I was thinking, but a couple of folks on LQ said they have
> swap on their SSDs. My understanding is that it takes millions of writes
> before there's an issue of wearing out the drive.

How much RAM do you have?  How often does swap get used in your 
circumstances?  I've been seeing some suggestions that with greater than 
4 GB of RAM swap is just isn't needed.  Heck on my 2 GB systems I rarely 
see swap getting used.  I still create a swap partition which goes on 
rotational media but if the system needs it there is something seriously 
heavy (wrong?) going on.

The workstation I'm sitting at right now has only 512 MB and the system 
monitor shows only 5% of swap being used but this is an old computer 
running a highly tweaked (screwed-with) CentOS 5.8 OS.

As always YMMV,
> Thanks,
> Rich
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