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G'morning Dick & King Beowulf.

Couldn't help but notice that you both were talking about utilizing
VirtualBox here.  I just wanted to mention my experiences with this

I've had to rely on it at several points in the past, during low budget
periods of geeking out.  It worked very well for me for awhile; that
is, until I started having some hard crashes for my host, while the VM
was running.

It wasn't until this had happened a couple of times that I ran into an
unrecoverable situation, but I'd had friends with more IT experience
than myself telling me for some time to migrate away from Virtual Box
due to its fondness for eating disk images.

I had run a very customized and personally configured BBS server, along
with kerberos, LDAP, and multiple other headache-inducing virtual
machines on some of these systems.  Unfortunately, after digging
through and being able to recover them a couple of times, I ran into a
case where I couldn't even restore to a former snapshot.  I was a
little unhappy, to say the least, and contacted technical support
regarding the issue.  The developers flat out told me not to utilize
the snapshot function for any sort of functional backups.  That
would've been kind of nice to know in the docs, you know?

Regardless, I kept at it, being much more anal with the extent of my
tarred & compressed backups.  Unfortunately I was not anal enough.  I
lost another few machines & disk images, and I was done with it.
There's no way I'll use VirtualBox ever again without having a
periodic, at least daily, rsync script feeding incremental changes to a
local or reliable, remote server.

So I guess, yeah, I just wanted to mention, tread softly on that
beast.  If you're doing anything involved, it might be a lot better to
go with VMWare, or the like.  I've never had any problems with VMWare,

Just my own experiences in the matter.  Best wishes, y'all!

- -- 

Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the owner of this
corporeal, rotting porksuit, nor its fiat-currency waving handlers.

- -Damo
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