On 08/02/2014 06:12 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
> On Sat, 2 Aug 2014, Dick Steffens wrote:
>> Where can I find instructions on partitioning that virtual 8 GB? The
>> tutorials that I've found all tell me to partition the space for a primary
>> partition and a swap partition, and assume that I know how to do that.
>> Does anyone know where to find something that spells out what to call that
>> virtual drive for fdisk?
> Dick,
>     I have a small virtualbox drive on my laptop mounted as /mnt/vm. Perhaps
> the mount command will tell you the name.

Following your recommendation, below, cfdisk didn't require me to know 
in advance that the virtual hard drive is SDA, it just offered to format 
the drive it found.

>     For partitioning, I use cfdisk; it's a bit more friendly than plain fdisk.

Indeed it was.

> The swap partition (type 83) is generally twice the memory. Given the size
> of your virtual hard drive that would not be a limiting factor.

I'll save that for when I do an install on hardware. As I discovered, 
the VM takes care of that stuff.

>     Even on an installation for learning I'd suggest three partitions: /,
> swap, and /home. Depending on what you intend to do with the virtual machine
> I'd divide the non-swap partitions (type 82) equally, 60/40 (either way) or
> 70/30 (either way). That will give you sufficient room to play, work, and
> learn the distribution.

Thanks. I think I'll just stick with the single partition for now.


Dick Steffens

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