On 08/17/2014 09:38 PM, John Jason Jordan wrote:
> On Sun, 17 Aug 2014 21:02:47 -0700

> I just tried it. The following commands executed without error (both
> drives were already mounted, and the folders in /media had already been
> created)
> sudo mount -o remount,rw /dev/sdb2 /media/Home2
> sudo mount -o remount,rw /dev/sdc /media/Movies
> But when I try to copy anything from /media/Home2
> to /media/Movies/Backup_8.17.14 it fails because it cannot create
> folders in /media/Movies/Backup_8.17.14 ("permission denied").
> i believe the problem is ownership, but if I change the ownership of the
> files in /dev/sdb2 it will be a disaster later.

1.  [rant] You should be true root for this to properly work.  Not
"sudo" nonsense. A true root user can r/w anything to/from anywhere.
Using sudo you are still in a user shell not a root shell.  This can
prevent you from accessing various files.  IMHO, this is the greatest
injustice that the *buntus and others have foisted onto the Linux
public. [/rant]

2. Even though you can mount /dev/sdc, you really should not, even if
Linux lets you (mount should kick an error; don't know why it didn't).
That's the *drive* and you should only mount *partitions*. I sure as
heck hope that was just a typo and you didn't format sdc without first
making a partition.

3. "cp -a" is not an appropriate backup tool since its too slow and
stupid.  It was never meant to be used for large directory trees.

A.  Boot your live distro, gain root access.
B.  mount your source partition and destination partition somewhere
without automount (or use remount):

mount -o rw /dev/sdb2 /media/Home2
mount -o rw /dev/sdc1 /media/Movies

mkdir -p /media/Movies/Backup_8.17.14 (if it doesn't exist)

rsync -av --progress /media/Home2 /media/Movies/Backup_8.17.14
--exclude={"/media/home2/*/.local/share/Trash/*", "/media/home2/*/.cache/*"}

You may want to add other excludes for any additional junk. This will
create a proper archive backup. rsync is also *way* faster than cp...

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