On Sat, Jul 11, 2015 at 12:40 PM, Denis Heidtmann
<denis.heidtm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If it is fans, it would have to be slow starting, since the failures have
> always been on starting from a cold machine.  That should be easy to
> check.  Cabling:  Everything is inside the case, so there should be only a
> few to wiggle and plug/unplug.  Then the test will be waiting for a
> failure.  The absence of an immediate failure does not mean a fix.
> What about the power supply?  I replaced it Sept 2014 (Antec EA380D).
> Could the MB or processor be the issue?  Flaky capacitor somewhere?
> Impossible to find if so.

Which version of grub are you using?   What does
grub-probe -V
It looks like an error message from the old legacy grub. It might be
having problems rebooting with the drives changing names between
reboots. If it is the old grub, your problems might be fixed by
upgrading grub to grub2.

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