Michael Rasmussen wrote:
> I'm trying to run an network isolated VM image for diagnostics. But I
> still need to communicate with the host system to scp log files and such.
> Host: Windows 7
> CLient: SuSE Linux.
> Host based networking isn't working,
> Windows shows the VMware Network Adapter VMnet1,
> the Linux client in the VM is configured statically for the correct network.
> Both hosts can ping their own interface, yet neither can ping the other's
> interface.
> The Linux client can also get an address via DHCP, but still no inter
> machine communication.  I've Googled and saw a mention of needing to
> disable IPv6 on Win 7 systems, did that with no change.
> Suggestions on how to get these two talking?

Check your firewall settings on both the virtual and real machines. You 
are probably blocking port 22 on one of them.

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