On Sat, Aug 29, 2015 at 9:01 PM, Bill Barry <b...@billbarry.org> wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 29, 2015 at 8:36 PM, Denis Heidtmann
> <denis.heidtm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Read the dd(1) man page CAREFULLY.  Double and triple check your
>>> command line -- you don't want to swap the if= and of= entries!...
>>> --Dale
>> I have a drive.  It has not been tested.  Will I  have to move both drives
>> to a linux system to perform the dd, or is there a live floppy (no CD on
>> the win 3.1 machine)?
>> Thanks for the advice.
>> -Denis
> Get boot floppy with busybox on it, maybe this one
> http://www.giannone.ch/bgtlb/current/
> Busybox includes dd and nc (netcat).
> Using dd and nc together you can transfer the image over the network
> to another drive or a disk image
> https://www.ndchost.com/wiki/server-administration/netcat-over-ssh
> It will be slower than putting both disks in the same machine, but it
> can be done.
> Bill

Those instructions for dd over netcat used bzip which is not in
busybox.  Here are instructions that don't use bzip
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