On Wed, 18 Nov 2015 17:11:34 -0800
"Martin A. Brown" <mar...@linux-ip.net> dijo:

>Oh, yes, and another item about the reference to 'data'.  The NLTK 
>itself is software, but the project also has put a great deal of 
>effort into independently versioned data sets that can be used by 
>the software.  So, I'd suggest the following:
>  Step 1:  Install python-nltk (or python3-nltk).
>  Step 2:  Find the data corpus.

Thanks to you and the others who responded. 

Evidently I left out the fact that I found python-ntlk in Synaptic
package manager and installed it without error. That part is done. My
problem is loading the data. To repeat what I said about this

Then I tried to follow this to download the data:
from the ntlk.org/install page:
To install the data, first install NLTK (see
http://nltk.org/install.html), then use NLTK’s data downloader as
described below.
Reading through the rest of the download options the only one that made
any sense was:
Run the command python -m nltk.downloader all

But this command just gave a 404 (not found) error.

How do I get the ntlk data?
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