It is time for me to build a new PC. I like having to build one, gives me
one of those warm and fuzzy feeling and lets me say to myself I can still
use a screwdriver.

Looking for a main board, Don't do games but maybe in 2016 I will upgrade
to one of the nice high resolution monitors and will want to keep a 2nd

I have a smaller scanner that has Firewire (and USB 2 but can not keep up
with the data rate). So at least one PCI-E slot, the old MB I have uses a
PCI card but I dont mind getting a adpater board if I have to.

BTW my two big scanners are SCSI-2 (with SCSI-3 capable interfaces) but I
have a older server PC for them. One maxes out SCSI-2. Someday like to have
a PC for the scanners since the server PC puts out about the same sound
level then when your at PDX getting on board a puddle jumper.

Here is a crappy part, I may want to dual boot. I have some industrial and
control software that only run under Windoz.

Price is an object but not top on the list, a good solid running board is.
I like buying from Newegg but don't have to.

Suggestions ? Success or failure stories ?

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