On Tue, 22 Dec 2015, Russell Senior wrote:

> Please answer the following questions to the best of your ability:
> 1) what is the make/model of the wifi device that you use in your
>    house?  none is an acceptable answer.

   Belkin N900

> 2) about how old is it (rough guess is fine)?

   Three years.

> 2) is it running firmware from the vendor or have you installed a 3rd
>    party firmware like DDwrt, OpenWrt or similar?

   OEM; don't know that I have any choice.

> 3) Do you now or have you ever exhibited any interest in model trains?
>    (this is to weight your answer heavier for the target demographic)

   Used to build and had minor layouts. Not sure what 'exhibited any
interest' means.


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