On 4/1/2016 3:19 PM, Neal wrote:
> I've heard the ploy of threatening to drop your service entirely gets you
> somewhere when negotiating rates with the cable/internet/satellite
> companies. But what if they call your bluff? :-)

*ROFL* !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lets put it plainly - none of the members of previously named 
categories want me sitting on jury in criminal and/or civil trial!

Up until quite recently my internet access was dial-up through a 
VERY local ISP [if any problem had occurred I could reasonably 
expect to complain to CEO/COO's father ;]

They terminated dial-up access. [multiple implied jokes ;]
I interviewed multiple potential vendors [ABSOLUTE requirement, 
local physical presence]

I chose T-Mobile:
   1. they had a local rep who actually listened to me.
   2. they advertised how they handled going over your limit. 
They were doing
      EXACTLY what a certain common carrier was doing - that is 
until said common
      carrier got severe hand slap from FEDs <GRIN *LOL*>

T-mobile ain't perfect. *HOWEVER*, I appreciate how they deal 
with problems.

'nuff said ;/

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