On Fri, 1 Jul 2016, Vedanta Teacher wrote:

>  I was thinking of setting up a local Domain and/or website so that I can
> have my own email and DROP gmail, hotmail, etc. so that the email would be
> something like:

   Namecheap.com is a great domain registrar. Now and then they have a sale
on some top level domain so you can register an unsued domain name in that

   I think they also provide e-mail hosting. I have my domain hosted at my
ISP and I run Postfix locally. Back when Verizon owned the copper I had a
static IP address so I could send outgoing mail directly as well as having
incoming mail arrive directly. Now that Frontier owns the telco lines I have
a dynamic IP address and outgoing mail needs to be relayed through my ISP's
mail server. But, mail still arrives directly to my two domains.

   Postfix has a ton of help available and once configured works very well.

Good luck with your efforts,

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