On Friday, July 1, 2016, Vedanta Teacher <orevedantateac...@gmail.com>

> Everyone,
>   I was thinking of setting up a local Domain and/or website so
> that I can have my own email and DROP gmail, hotmail, etc.
> so that the email would be something like:
>   b...@blabla.com <javascript:;>
>      or
>    b...@wolfie.org <javascript:;>
>     or
>    rav...@idiot.com <javascript:;>
 there are a number of choices depending on pro to pro-am, high to low
usage, hosting/cloud based etc. lots of online tutorials:
(for example).

I have on old P4 linux server, using iptables/netfilter and
https://freedns.afraid.org/ for dynamic DNS (openwrt router firewall & port
forwarding), domains and another  www site registered via

I'm still trying to find time for email (lots of choices, have sendmail
running internally, just lazy...) but mumble and apache running.

Its a good learning experience to set it up at home - nice to have physical
access to the server and your own linux distro (Slackware FTW!). Its also
good not to depend on the vagaries of corporate entities.

you'll have research which email server (sendmail, postfix. etc, I don't
have a particilar favorite) fits your need as well as keep up with security
so that you domain doesn't end up on a spam blacklist.

Have fun!

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