On Tue, 26 Jul 2016 08:04:23 -0700 (PDT)
Rich Shepard <rshep...@appl-ecosys.com> dijo:

>My virtual terminals use urxvt and correctly display UTF-8 text encoding
>as demonstrated by viewing the UTF-8-demo.txt file. My MUA is alpine
>and invoked in a urxvt terminal. But, not all foreign languages are
>displayed; for example, Hebrew is seen as a series of question marks.
>This is one question I'd like to have answered, if possible.
>The second question probably relates to how alpine is configured. Or maybe
>not. When I compose an e-mail message the v.t. changes from urxvt to
>xterm. Might this have something to do with my specifying 'joe' as the
>text editor rather than 'nano'? This is another issue that's not
>critical but a matter of curiosity whether it can be explained.
>Alpine is configured to display UTF-8 text and to use /usr/bin/joe as the
>editor. If there are options that address the above two questions then
>I missed them.

Fonts? Which are set as the display fonts for the various programs?
What happens if you copy and paste some Hebrew ?? text into something
else, e.g., Firefox, Lyx, etc.? 
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