On Sun, 6 Nov 2016, Rich Shepard wrote:

>   On the server/workstation and a portable ~/.ssh has 700 perms while the
> authorized_keys, known_hosts, and *.pub key files in that directory have 644
> perms; the others are 600.

   I've identified the problem and am working on finding the solution. It
turns out that on the portable, the ssh_host* keys are empty files. That's
why sshd does not start when the system is booted or root tries to start it.

   My Web searchers discuss using ssh-keygen to create user keys. I just
re-generated the keys on the portable using
        ssh-keygen -t ed25519
and it recreated ~/.ssh/id_ed25519, ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub, and
~/.ssh/known_hosts. But /etc/ssh/ still has private and public key files
with 0 bytes.

   Still looking ...

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