> I'm looking for any other options to remote into a graphical desktop
> besides VNC or RDP.
> I'd like a client that runs on Linux and Android with MAC and Windows a
> bonus.  Server should run on Linux with Android, MAC and Windows as
> another bonus.
> I remember coming across something, while searching for something
> compeletely different, but the name now eludes me.  Must be a case of
> CRS. :-(

I used No Machine when it was known as FreeNX on Linux and thought it was
the best remote access software out there at the time before web browser
remote access was a thing.

I haven't looked at it in a few years and after a quick review of NoMachine
ver. 5, it's very clear that there has been extensive development done.
Some great features to me are: multiple monitor support, headless linux
server and extended x-window support.

I wish I currently had a reason to use it. I may have to invent one!
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