I have looked at LXDE.  It was nice and shiny on Lubuntu, pretty slick.
The default arch install wasn't quite as slick, I didn't sit around and try
to customize it and make it look better.  I think it looked ok on Debian,
maybe better on the Siduction distro?  I didn't like their LXQT that much,
wasn't polished yet, and the icons looked old.  I just kinda thought the
default install of XFCE looked a little slicker than LXDE.  I do like it
when there's that mac-like icon dock (conky? docker?  i forget), which I
have seen on both distros.  I know a lot of thats all theming, but a nice
default theme goes a long way with me.  That said, LXDE is faster than
XFCE, and I would definitely choose it first on a computer that lacked cpu
cycles.  Lubuntu is a fine distro to put on someone's old laptop if you
don't want to field a lot of tech support questions, but for myself, I
prefer arch and arch derivatives, although next time I think I might go for
Arch Anywhere or something if i don't feel like installing it the Arch
way.  Debian would be my next choice for a desktop, and I have to admit I
like a lot of the customizations in Ubuntu Server, like their slick byobu

I ramble slightly off topic, so I'm gonna go install arch anywhere in a vm
and see how that goes.  The torrent came down at a respectable 7MB/sec, so
it took less time than to type this message!

On Mon, Apr 3, 2017 at 6:26 PM, Rich Shepard <rshep...@appl-ecosys.com>

> On Tue, 4 Apr 2017, Nat Taylor wrote:
> > I used Cinnamon, then Mate, then KDE on my arch desktop after I read a
> > recent comparison of CPU cycle usage by various modern desktops. I was
> > surprised to see KDE out front so I tried it out when I did a reinstall
> > due to a failing hard drive. I have also been using XFCE on some VMs
> > lately, and it's quite nice these days.
> Nat,
>    Have you looked at LXDE? It's very light weight and highly customizable.
> Rich
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