On Sat, 9 Sep 2017, Denis Heidtmann wrote:

> Would rsync make my first question moot?


   Perhaps. Read the rsync man page to better understand it. Briefly, rsync
will compare the same file name on source and target and copy the former
version over the latter version if the source is newer. If there are files
on the source that are not on the target, rsync will copy the source to the
target so both directories have the latest version of all files.

   Be aware, however, that specifying the source directory only regular files
and subdirectories are examined and synchronized; e.g., if the source ~/ is
the pwd, 'rsync * target/home/me/'; if the pwd is your target directory,
'rsync source/home/me/ .'. To synchronize the dot files you need to specify
'.*' to indicate all dot files instead of '*' to specify all normal files. I
got caught once by thinking that '*' copied dot files, too. It don't.


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