On Sep 5, 2017 9:45 AM, "Paul Heinlein" <heinl...@madboa.com> wrote:

rsync over a network can handle the situation where your UID/GID on the
source system is different from that on the destination.

Typically "cp" will be somewhat faster while rsync will be safer and more

Personally, I'm a fan of using tar over ssh for initial copies, because tar
handles hard and soft links gracefully and quickly:

cd /home
tar cf - yourdir | ssh your.new.host "cd /home && tar xf -"
# if you're really seeking safety, then run sync too.
# XXX: note lack of trailing slash in source directory.
rsync -av  /home/yourdir  your.new.host:/home

My first thought on this subject was tar and a pipe. The man page for tar
_used to_ show this succinctly but when I tried to find it in Ubuntu 16.04
some months back it appeared to have been deprecated, so I gave up.

I had tried rsync a few years ago. Even though I've Unixed and Sunosed and
Solarised and Linuxed for decades, as a hobby if not at work, I couldn't
grock rsync. Something about needing a service, that I did have running,
which is probably a faulty memory... Yeah, lame, wasn't an actual need, was
just curious, your mileage hopefully varies.

I look forward to revisiting rsync and conquering this dragon along with
the rest of the intrepid PLUG folks.

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