On 09/29/2017 03:02 PM, Keith Lofstrom wrote:
> <...>
> The grid will become increasingly unreliable in coming
> decades;
> <...>
> Anywhoo, the bottom line is that we will be on battery
> power and generator backup more often in the future, and
> it is prudent to prepare.

Regarding generators, we bought a Champion duel fuel generator last 
year. I've given up using gasoline powered equipment as much as I can, 
simply because of maintenance. I used to be more of a gear head, but not 
so much anymore.

Anyway, an important consideration is whether the generator puts out 
clean 60Hz power. Mine, currently, does not. The one time we used it 
last winter it powered the lights, refrigerator, and freezer, but not 
our computer battery backup units. Eventually I discovered that my 
generator was not putting out 60 Hz. I found the instructions for 
adjusting it, but have yet to get around to applying them ... something 
I must do in the next couple of months to be ready.

We bought the generator at Camping World in in Wood Village. Further 
research suggests that Camping World leaves much to be desired when it 
comes to service. That first time I used it last winter it took several 
phone calls to get someone who could point out the dumb mistake I was 
making. The fellow that helped was a Champion rep, not someone from 
Camping World. I like that it runs on propane, but I need to look for 
someone else to take care of it.


Dick Steffens

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