On 10/16/2017 09:37 PM, Mke C> wrote:
>> Have people looked in to this:
>> https://apnews.com/743db922a4d2473a8745ce54c134c33a/Researchers-discover-vulnerability-affecting-Wi-Fi-security
>> If so, how have you handled it?
> Step 1. Get actual useful information on the vulnerability that provides
> some degree of understanding and assessing the risk.  That AP article is
> a prime example of standard mainstream fear mongering of the latest
> vulnerability discovered by a security researcher in a lab. Please help
> us all by not sharing info from AP in the future.
> Better and more useful info here:
> Mostly layman but thorough -
> https://techcrunch.com/2017/10/16/wpa2-shown-to-be-vulnerable-to-key-reinstallation-attacks/
> More technical - https://www.krackattacks.com/

Okay. I did make some effort to find out more details before posting to 
PLUG, but didn't know about the sites you list.

> Step 2. Realize that cracking into a WiFi network isn't easy and takes
> time and effort. Not too mention trying to capture actual sensitive
> personal data.
> Step 3 Have some coffee, tea or beer. Re-read step 2 and contemplate the
> following:
> "He further writes that while some of the attacks detailed in the paper
> may seem hard to pull off, follow-up work has shown that attacks against
> — for example — macOS and OpenBSD are “significantly more general and
> easier to execute”, adding: “So although we agree that some of the
> attack scenarios in the paper are rather impractical, do not let this
> fool you into believing key reinstallation attacks cannot be abused in
> practice.”
> Pizza Hut was recently hacked. 60,000 customers billing information
> compromised in 28 hrs. Equifax hack, etc, etc.
> Step 4. Have some more of my fav beverage and wait patiently for
> security updates while using the Internet over a wired connection.

That's what I was hoping would be the answer. It's a known problem of 
high enough priority that the major distros will take care of it, and 
I'll keep up with my updates.

> Step 5. Realize that when I need to use WiFi, I'll just use it and
> probably not concern myself with security risks as like most people, I
> got stuff to do, places to go and people to see.
> Step 6. Due to step 5, I put my faith and trust that there are good
> people who will release security patches and other good people who will
> file a class action law suits and polices / laws that protect consumers
> from identity theft, fraud and abuse.
> Sleep well! =)

Most of my interaction with the Internet is over a wired connection. I 
do regularly use WiFi at home. We're in a semi-rural neighborhood. There 
aren't too many folks out here for that to be a major concern, and we're 
not on a major thoroughfare. My home WiFi use is through my Buffalo 
WZR-600 DHP router running OpenWRT. I'll check and see if OpenWRT is 
working on anything related to this, and trust that Ubuntu will push out 
a patch. My wife uses a Lenovo Win7 laptop, so I'll make sure MS is 
doing something about it, too.

Thanks for your reply.


Dick Steffens

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