What are folks preferences for Virtual Box over VMware?

I run Virtual Box on my Ubuntu MATE 16.04 machine. I'm having problems 
with the one program for which I need winders, Gear Player 4. On my 
older Ubuntu 14.04 machine (using whatever they called that iteration of 
Gnome fall back) I never had problems with variable audio playback. On 
this machine, I can listen to a phrase once, go back and listen to it 
again, and sometimes a whole word is missed. Also, as time goes along 
(about 20 minutes), the sound quality gets worse. The reason I use Gear 
Player is that it's audio quality is superior to other tools. Perhaps 
it's because they use Dolby somewhere in their code. But, until I 
started using this newer machine, it's not as good as before.

Anyway, one recommendation I had was to switch to VMware. Hence my 
question to the group, which virtual machine tool do you prefer for 
running Win7?


Dick Steffens

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