I have two C programs. Program A tries to lock a PNG file and then writes it out. Program B, if it starts before A, will lock the not ready PNG file blocking A and will seg fault on trying to read it. Both programs are serially executed C programs. I figure a better approach is message passing between the two programs instead of system level file locking or in addition to file locking. I can have a dedicated thread in each program that handles the communication perhaps. I'm trying to get program B to refrain from locking the PNG file until program A says that that file is ready. Program A will overwrite the PNG file occasionally, so B needs to back off frequently over time. The current programs get into what is called a race if B starts before A. B has to die in that event, or seg fault, before A can get the proper lock. Seg faults take time where the application is somewhat time sensitive. If MPI for C is meant for parallel programming and is not suitable for the problem I have, I need to know that. I don't have any examples of two separate C programs using MPI to communicate between each other about a shared resource.
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