mp3 patents expired earlier this year, if I am not mistaken and it wasn't
in 2016 already.

So at this point, it does not matter other than on technical merit such as
encoder efficiency, perceived quality, etc.


On Dec 3, 2017 11:21 AM, "Galen Seitz" <> wrote:

> On 12/03/17 10:54, Rich Shepard wrote:
> > On Sun, 3 Dec 2017, Galen Seitz wrote:
> >
> >> Why do you want to convert these files to mp3?
> >
> > Galen,
> >
> >   Because the .wav file (1032704 bytes) is much larger than the .mp3 file
> > (391488 bytes).
> >
> >> What is your goal? Do you really need mp3? If not, you should be able to
> >> convert the files to any one of a number of other formats. sox would
> >> be my
> >> first choice for this.
> >
> >   There are other audio formats supported by audio players on linux yet
> > .mp3
> > seems to be the most common. I've no preference for any one of them.
> mp3 is patent encumbered.  That's probably why your sox doesn't include
> it by default.  If the files are for your own use, I suggest converting
> them to ogg vorbis or to ogg opus.  opus is the latest and greatest open
> codec, so your sox might not support it.  It certainly should support
> the vorbis codec.
> If you can't make it work, email me a small example wave file.  I should
> be able to make it work.
> galen
> --
> Galen Seitz
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