I notice that 12 V is mentioned.  I measure ~6 V from ground to every pin
except RxD, which is zero. (All DC; when not sending data.) Could this be
the issue?

On Sun, Dec 10, 2017 at 6:28 PM, Denis Heidtmann <denis.heidtm...@gmail.com>

> Here is the protocol description I recall finding:
> MAS345:
> data format: 7n2 at 600 baud (7 bits, no parity, 2 stop bits).
> Control lines:
>    DTR and RTS lines are used to power the TX line: RTS is clear
>    for -12 supply; DTR is set for +12 supply. Data transmission is
>    solicited sending whatever character to the RX line.
> Data string format:
>    MAS-345 sends a 14 bytes string with:
>          <mode>< ><sign><value>< ><units><return>
>    <mode>:  two bytes with the oerating mode: DC, AC, OH, CA, TE ...
>    <sign>:  one byte with - or space
>    <value>: five bytes with four digits and one decimal dot.
>    <units>: four bytes with the units: mV, A, kOhm, nF ...
>    <return>: '\r'
>    One space is inserted between <mode> and <sign>, one between
>    <value> and <units>.
>    The data string (without the '\r') is sent to the output device.
> On Sun, Dec 10, 2017 at 6:11 PM, Denis Heidtmann <
> denis.heidtm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The protocol I recall seeing documented was 7n2, 600 baud.  I must
>> confess I do not know how to talk directly over serial.  I tried Google,
>> but there were too many options and opinions.  What do you recommend for
>> this simple task?
>> On Sun, Dec 10, 2017 at 3:01 PM, Russell Senior <
>> russ...@personaltelco.net> wrote:
>>> Try talking to the DMM directly over serial.  The protocol description
>>> says:
>>>   Various multimeters from Metex (and rebadged ones) use this common
>>> 14-byte packet based ASCII protocol. The actual multimeter ICs in the
>>> devices have different names (e.g. "MASTECH M343-01" or "Metex
>>> KS57C2016") but they all use the same common protocol format.
>>>   The serial port settings can vary from device to device, e.g.
>>> 600/1200 baud, 7n2, RTS low, DTR high.
>>> If you get the serial parameters right, you ought to be able to talk
>>> directly at it (e.g. send a D and get a string of bytes).  Maybe you
>>> can snoop the serial with an oscilloscope while running the vendor
>>> interface software and figure out the baud,et al.
>>> On Sun, Dec 10, 2017 at 2:08 PM, Denis Heidtmann
>>> <denis.heidtm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > Thanks for the -help.  I got part of that -help when I entered an
>>> incorrect
>>> > option, but somehow missed the -- entries at the end.  Here is what I
>>> get:
>>> >
>>> > denis@denis-ThinkPad-L420:~$ sigrok-cli --driver
>>> > mastech-mas345:conn=/dev/ttyUSB0 --scan
>>> > The following devices were found:
>>> > mastech-mas345 - MASTECH MAS345 with 1 channel: P1
>>> >
>>> > denis@denis-ThinkPad-L420:~$ sigrok-cli --driver
>>> > mastech-mas345:conn=/dev/ttyUSB0 --show
>>> > mastech-mas345 - MASTECH MAS345 with 1 channel: P1
>>> > Supported driver options:
>>> >     conn
>>> >     serialcomm
>>> > Supported configuration options:
>>> > denis@denis-ThinkPad-L420:~$
>>> >
>>> > Additionally I tried:
>>> > denis@denis-ThinkPad-L420:~$ sigrok-cli --driver
>>> > mastech-mas345:conn=/dev/ttyUSB0 --loglevel 5
>>> > sr: libsigrok loglevel set to 5.
>>> > sr: backend: Sanity-checking all drivers.
>>> > sr: backend: Sanity-checking all input modules.
>>> > sr: backend: Sanity-checking all output modules.
>>> > srd: libsigrokdecode loglevel set to 5.
>>> > Usage:
>>> >   sigrok-cli [OPTION...]
>>> > snip...
>>> >
>>> > I also tried the --output-file but nothing.  I found that I could not
>>> enter
>>> > more than one option at a time---I tried --scan and --show but only the
>>> > first one was responded to.
>>> >
>>> > BTW, recall that this instrument worked as expected using the vendor's
>>> > windows sw on the desktop, where I have a serial port.  So I do not
>>> suspect
>>> > the hardware outside the laptop.
>>> >
>>> > These results are encouraging, but no cigar.
>>> >
>>> > -Denis
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