Well,  I have solved the issue of  "mult=self.units.strip()+'  '[0]:
TypeError: can't concat bytes to int". It needs parentheses, which the
original code had.  Now the code runs, but, alas, now it does not report
the readings from the meter.  Since I really do not understand
object-oriented python, I am at a loss.  It seems to me that this format is
inadequate and inappropriate for schooling a coding novice on such things,
so I will see what I help I can get in person.  Thanks for all who have had
to suffer through this.


On Sun, Jan 14, 2018 at 6:30 PM, Denis Heidtmann <denis.heidtm...@gmail.com>

> Last discussion on this issue I mentioned a python program I found.  I
> have since put the program in Spyder using Python3.  I had to make a number
> of changes to accommodate the change to 3.  The latest is that I see that
> the readings are available to the  program although parsing the data is
> running into difficulty associated, I believe, with  Python3's fussiness
> with bytes, strings, etc.  (The data I see is via some print statements
> stuck in the code.)
> line 72: originally it had
> mult=self.units.strip()+'  '[0]
> TypeError: can't concat bytes to int
> I tried:
> mult=self.units.strip()+'  '.encode()[0]
> and
> mult=self.units.strip()+b'  '[0]
> to no avail.
> Note:
> data =  b'DC -0.000   V\r'
> type data =  <class 'bytes'>
> 01234567890123456789
> type units =  <class 'bytes'>
> But the good news is that when I changed the reading on the meter the
> value in data changed accordingly.  So I see the issue now as one of
> knowing how to fix the Python so that it parses the data correctly, rather
> than an issue of how  to communicate with the dmm.
> BTW, I  see no way to change the manufacture's sw running under Windows to
> look at the usb, which is what I need to test the usb interface under
> Windows.  I will explore the usb using Linux, which is  the ultimate goal.
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