In short, there is no such thing as privacy on the internet, period. If he
wants to look at anything anywhere on the internet, any information on his
computer is subject to retrieval. I would suggest he acquire a separate
computer (preferably running Linux) and put absolutely no user identifiable
information on it, i.e. user Fred Flinstone, address Bedrock, etc. Create a
new email for the purpose, like, and use that system
for all internet activity. Whatever personal info is gleaned from that
computer is worthless and he will have nothing to worry about. Of course he
will have to create new YouTube, Facebook, etc. accounts. That's the cost
of "privacy".

On Feb 2, 2018 17:37, "Dick Steffens" <> wrote:

> On 02/02/2018 05:11 PM, Richard Owlett wrote:
>> On 02/02/2018 06:21 PM, Carl Karsten wrote:
>>> He suspects they have been publishing his email address.
>>> Please elaborate.
>> I would if I could.
>> I b geek -- he not
>> He has associated the publication of his email address with videos he has
>> viewed.
> My own experience shows that YouTube keeps track of what videos I've
> watched and, no doubt using Google's technology, gives me more options
> similar to ones I've watched. Sometimes that's useful. Sometimes it's not.
> But from the descriptions you've given, it sounds to me like he's just
> seeing what YouTube thinks he wants to see. How that relates to email, I
> have no idea.
> --
> Regards,
> Dick Steffens
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