On Sat, 17 Mar 2018 16:56:17 -0700
wes <p...@the-wes.com> dijo:

>On Sat, Mar 17, 2018 at 4:43 PM, John Jason Jordan <joh...@gmx.com>
>> assuming
>> I'm finally successful, what happens when I get home where my own
>> router will give them different IP addresses based on their Mac
>> addresses?

>This depends on how you handle authentication. If you base it on the IP
>address of the system, as I seem to recall you did with your Synology
>device, you'll have to modify the IP for your home network. If it uses
>a username/password type auth, it'll continue to work regardless of
>each system's IP address.
>I'm surprised you struggle with sshfs. I've used it a lot with great
>success. I've been.... somewhat less successful with nfs, but I'll
>still try to help get it working if that is your preference.

One problem with sshfs is that the instructions said to install this
and that and everything went well until apt-get gave me an 'unable to
locate package error.' I might have been able to overcome the error by
finding the package somewhere, but I decided to just hang it up until
the Clinic. There were too many commands that I didn't understand. Even
when they worked I had no idea what they were doing. And bear in mind
that the desktop has 17.10, while the laptop has 14.04. I intend to
upgrade both to 18.04 when it is released, but the laptop upgrade is
not a task that I am looking forward to. 

I am planning on bringing the desktop with all its peripherals. I also
made a few printouts from the web interface for my router. Once we're
there and I have things set up we can start by deciding whether to use
nfs, sshfs, samba, or black magic. And while setting it up I plan to
learn not just how to set it up but why all the pieces are necessary
and what they do. It's high time I learned some basics about networking.

Oh, and I'm also bringing chocolate. :)
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