As root: create a directory in your partition. Then set ownership, group
and permissions to that directory, allowing users to write into the
directory (ies).

Hope it helps,

On Wed, Jul 4, 2018, 1:10 PM Richard Owlett <> wrote:

> This Richard is confused ;/
> Using GParted I created an ext4 partition labeled "owlcommon".
> I added the following line to fstab:
>    LABEL=owlcommon /home/richard/Documents/tst_common ext4 rw,user 0 0
> On reboot it does appear in the expected file system location.
> *BUT* it is locked {owned by root with users only able to read}
> I would like all users to have unrestricted access.
> If not possible, since "richard" has the same UID on all systems, I
> would like "richard" to have full access AUTOMATICALLY.
> IOW when I do a fresh install to another partition I want to write a
> line to that system's fstab (or elsewhere) such that "richard"
> automagically has full access.
> On 07/03/2018 05:06 PM, Rich Shepard wrote:
> > On Tue, 3 Jul 2018, wes wrote:
> >
> >> I suspect the other Richard could be confused in a similar fashion, so
> >> your reply was still valuable.
> >
> > wes,
> >
> >    I must have been undercafinated when I responded. Partitions are
> always
> > /dev/sd* (or similar) while file systems have names. It's been a hectic
> day
> > but I won't claim that as an excuse.
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Rich
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