On 12/7/18 9:26 AM, Rich Shepard wrote:> On Fri, 7 Dec 2018, Rich
Shepard wrote:
>> Perhaps calibre works better for the occassional quickie that does not
>> benefit from typesetting with TeX.
>   Oops! Apparently that's for e-book management, not writing.
> Rich
> _______________________________________________

You probably meant "calligra" often included as part of the KDE desktopm
suite.  Calligra offers a few more integrated programs than LO, but I
find LO much easier to use - although I don't bother with any butthe
most basic kb shortcuts.  My thought processes are slow enough that my
slow typing speed id not a problem.  Also, as my corporate overload uses
MS Office, and LO has very good file compatibility with MS Office


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