On 1/4/19 3:38 PM, Daniel Johnson wrote:
Could be a weird keyboard mapping rather than the password getting
scrambled. If you have a graphical login check for something like a
localization setting. For example if you see a UK flag instead of a US
flag. Or also Dvorak.

If it's the password the usual trick from alternative boot like a USB stick
is to switch to root "sudo -i" then chroot to the system you need to update
the password on an run passwd. Can also avoid the boot USB by changing the
boot line in grub to replace init with bash, but that is trickier than I
want to explain here.

On 1/4/19 3:57 PM, wes wrote:
One quick way to determine this is to just type stuff into the login box
and see if it looks right. If your password uses any special characters,
try those out at some point to make sure they're working properly, you
don't have a shift key stuck down, etc.

I tried typing my password into the user name line and got the expected characters. I copied and pasted it into the password line, but it didn't help.

I just tried logging in by ssh and had no trouble.

While there I decided to try changing the owner of the html output of lshw I did earlier from root to rsteff. Here's the results:

root@ENU-2:/home/rsteff/Desktop# chown rsteff:rsteff hardware.html
chown: invalid group: 'rsteff:rsteff'
root@ENU-2:/home/rsteff/Desktop# groups
root bin daemon sys adm disk wheel audio

I'm guessing that not being able to log in from ENU-2's own keyboard is not related to bad passwords, since I can log in via ssh.

On ENU-1, my Ubuntu 18 machine, when I run groups, I see that my user, dick, has a group:

dick@ENU-1:~$ groups
dick adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare vboxusers

Somehow I don't have one on ENU-2, the Slackware machine, for rsteff. I'm sure I could add a group, but I'm wondering if the step that should have created one included other things that should have happened during the initial install. Will that be something I can track down, or would it be easier to run the install over again? I'm assuming I could get the package files I've created from /tmp before I start over, and save them to a USB stick, which would save me some time. This time I would start by totally redoing the partitioning, instead of just using the old boot partition.

Again, I'm making guesses here, so feel free to apply a clue stick to keep me from doing something wrong.


Dick Steffens

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