On 2/19/2019 10:02 AM, Bill Ensley wrote:
> Hi All,
> We have been fully AWS for several years now and are looking to migrate 
> from a custom EBS based file system to AWS EFS.
> When it first came out it was much too expensive for our needs however 
> they have introduced a new Infrequent Storage
> option that automatically transitions files older than 30 days to a 
> lower cost storage state.
> This is supposed to all be transparent to the OS so here is my 
> question:  Once a file is in Infrequent Storage, if is accessed
> does it move back to Standard Storage?
> I cannot find this answer anywhere in AWS documentation.

There does not seem to be any mention of migration back to Standard
storage class. However there is this paragraph at


> Disabling EFS Lifecycle Management
> You can disable lifecycle management at any time using the EFS
> Management Console, the CLI, or the EFS API. When you disable
> lifecycle management, your files are no longer moved into the IA
> storage class. Any files currently in IA storage remain there. You
> can move files from IA to Standard storage by copying them to
> another location on your file system.

This strongly implies that once a file is migrated to IA it will stay
there, incurring lower storage fees but also incurring $0.01/GB ACCESS
charges, until you move it back to Standard manually.

This could be a costly gotcha if you have a bursty access pattern with
long delays (over 30 days) between large bursts.  You could incur really
hefty access charges in the long run if you're not careful about
monitoring which files are in which storage class.

Jim Garrison

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