Anyone have an iTunes library?  My iPod touch died...  but I still have
my Mac Mini.  My smartphone is a motorola Android, so it doesn't run
iOS and apparently doesn't support iTunes.  I've done a little research
on Android and iTunes, but seems that the options available from Apple
are beta quality software.

I don't like Apple iCloud.  It's space limited and I have to have an
Internet connection to access it.  I have privacy concerns and access
concerns.  Does Mac OSX Mojave allow you to turn iCloud completely off
or at least set things up so that you have a local copy of everything
in your iCloud?

I have a few iTunes songs, less than 50.  Can I convert them to 
another format...  such as ogg vorbis?  I've paid for the songs, why
couldn't I convert them so that they'll work with Linux and Android

       -- Michael Robinson

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