Adding to what Paul said,

you should also be able to run ’ssh-add -l’ on the destination host and see the 
same key. If not, you aren’t successfully forwarding the agent.
You may wish to try things manually, with a ssh -A ${host}, alternatively, you 
could add ' ForwardAgent yes’ to your .ssh/config under a host stanza (perhaps 
the ‘Host *’). This would cause the agent information to be automagically 
forwarded even if you don’t use the -A option.

> On Jul 19, 2019, at 5:03 PM, Paul Heinlein <> wrote:
> On Fri, 19 Jul 2019, Rich Shepard wrote:
>> As I transition from the old server/workstation I frequently copy files and 
>> directories using scp. Each time I need to enter my pass phrase and I 
>> thought that ssh-agent eliminated that need. Apparently not. Since all 
>> transfers are in the LAN and not exposed to the outside world, which tool 
>> allows internal scp and ssh transfers without entering the pass phrase each 
>> time? I no longer remember what it is and missed finding it looking at ssh 
>> web pages.
> Your local ssh-agent should do the trick. Going out on a limb, I'm going to 
> suggest that the fix should be easy.
> I'll assume you have two systems, source and destination. Those designations 
> refer to ssh ops, not file ops. That is, the source system is where you run 
> scp (regardless of whether you're copying files to or from that system).
> On source, run
>  ssh-add -l
> You should see a list of one or more keys loaded into the agent, e.g.,
> [heinlein@ORPB095 ~]$ ssh-add -l
> 2048 SHA256:FI8x908kRGmuA4jh4DowO2iSoNot9pAkeyqGamRt6gRgMk0 
> /Users/heinlein/.ssh/id_rsa (RSA)
> If you don't see a key listed, run
>  ssh-add
> The public version of the key you added (typically, but not always, located 
> in ~/ssh/ should be present in the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on 
> the destination host.
> I suggest running "chmod -R go-rwx ~/.ssh" on both hosts to ensure the strict 
> file permissions SSH demands.
> -- 
> Paul Heinlein
> 45°38' N, 122°6' W_______________________________________________
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