On Mon, 21 Oct 2019 16:34:48 -0700
wes <p...@the-wes.com> dijo:

>/media is managed by the GUI. the GUI reads the volume name when it's
>connected, and mounts it on /media/[username]/[volume name]. If there
>is already something there, you will end up with a second filesystem
>mounted on the same mount point.

A long time ago I formed the habit of giving each partition a label,
and then I used the label in fstab, for example:

LABEL=Data /media/jjj/Data auto nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show 0 0
LABEL=Movies /media/jjj/Movies auto nosuid,nodev,nofail,x-gvfs-show 0 0

These two lines have *never* been a problem, except when I boot the
computer at the Clinic and it takes forever because it can't find the
Movies partition, an external USB drive that I leave at home.

Looking just now at my fstab I find lots of lines for the same drives
using UUIDs, and the lines now commented out. I don't recall now why I
did this, but I remember that the UUIDs were causing problems so I went
to the Label system. I don't recall what the problems were, but it was
discussed on PLUG, so the conversation could be dug up.

As for random USB drives, just the other day I stuck a 256GB USB drive
in my desktop. The drive had one partition formatted ext4 with the
creative label '256GB-1.' When Xubuntu 18.04 automatically mounted it
for me apparently the folder /media/jjj/256GB-1 already existed, so it
mounted it at 256GB-11, making the new folder for it. So apparently
Xubuntu 18.04 is clever enough not to mount two things at the same
point, at least this experience leads me to that conclusion.
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