On Sun, 20 Oct 2019, Ben Koenig wrote:

Wow. ok. Mounting a drive isn't supposed to change the device node. You
can mount/unmount drives all day long and as along as you don't add
additional devices it should stay the same. My guess is that something is
lingering around in the driver stack. If you can, reboot the computer with
the drive unplugged and start fresh. USB hosts can do weird things so I
wonder if something is super confused.


Got this fixed! I had asked if the fstab parameters for the drive (default 1
2) were correct. They weren't. I posted to the dirvish mail list and the
response I read this morning told me to change those to 'noauto,rw 0 0'. I
added the rw specification.

The other issue is the command shown in the howto to initiate a vault is
wrong. It shows the hostname.domain.tld for the machine being backed up and
it should be the vault to be initiated.

After I made that change dirvish tried to add a full copy of the named
partition but failed for permission reasons.

I sent a copy of the dirvish master.conf to the mail list and will wait to
learn what's wrong with it, although it's the same as on the old desktop.

So, changing the fstab line's mount parameters stopped the device flipping.
It's staying at /dev/sdc1. We've both learned something, and I've not looked
deeply into how to set parameters in fstab before now.

Thanks for all your help,

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