On Sat, 30 Nov 2019 23:08:16 +0000
David Fleck <dcfl...@protonmail.ch> dijo:

>On Thursday, November 28, 2019 10:02 PM, John Jason Jordan
><joh...@gmx.com> wrote:
>> I tried updatedb as jjj and with sudo and it did nothing much. It
>> took about one second to complete. Clearly it is not updating the
>> database for all files on all partitions.
>> I think I found one solution - find with the --prune option. I'm
>> trying to figure out the syntax to make it exclude the entire /media
>> folder (because that's where everything but / and /home are
>> mounted). I wish man pages would give examples of usage.
>What about
>find {all /-level dirs except /mnt} {other find options}
>You could stick it into a tiny script or shell alias.

After hours of trying to find an easy way to do what I wanted, I
finally succeeded with the following find command:

sudo find / -name "*.mount" -print -o -path '/media' -prune

This command searches / for any file ending in .mount (you have to put
it in quotes in you use a wildcard), -o = or, and the folder to prune
must be in single quotes, and finally the result is sent to a text file
in my home folder. It took about ten seconds to execute.

I neglected to say beforehand what I was trying to find. I am still
struggling to figure out how systemd decides what to mount and in what
order. Apparently such things are kept in a file with the
extension .mount, so that is what I was trying to find. Unfortunately,
while my command worked without going into anything mounted in /media,
it returned 146 files that end in .mount, of which 58 were located in
folders containing 'systemd.'

Find is a very powerful search tool, with options for just about
anything. However, that makes it also incomprehensible. But the
education was worth the time spent.

And now that I have a find command that excludes /media I have saved it
for use in the future when I need to find something that I know is not
on any of my attached external drives. I only wish there was a way to
save commands permanently in the GUI terminal - it would be faster and
more convenient than having to open a text file of saved commands.
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