"Modeled on AA? Perhaps called GA? Do you need a sponsor?'

I don't want to make light of.any addiction, but if I'm honest, yes, I'm
probably going to need some help and support.to get.off Google.

On Wed, Jan 8, 2020, 12:08 PM Rich Shepard <rshep...@appl-ecosys.com> wrote:

> On Wed, 8 Jan 2020, Mike C. wrote:
> > I'd be interested in a PLUG-Talk about this topic. But honestly, what I
> > feel like I really need is a support group to help me completely move off
> > the Google platform.
> Mike,
> Modeled on AA? Perhaps called GA? Do you need a sponsor?
> > And I say support group because Google has made everything so integrated
> > and convenient that I've become deeply habituated to their services and I
> > know that getting off of Google's platform is going to be slow, messy and
> > painful.
> 'Convenience' is the amber in which the surveillence capitalists try to
> entomb us. I've always followed the advice of Benjamin Franklin who once
> said: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
> temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." While this now
> applies most strongly to electronic communications, public cameras, and the
> like it was obviously not the context ol' Ben meant when he said it. When
> you think about it, however, it can be a powerful motivator to alter
> behavior patterns.
> I use Google Earth and am on a couple of mail lists for members of google
> groups. And my mobile phone runs Android. Other than these I've no idea
> what tools, other than gmail, folks use.
> If I could help let me know.
> Rich
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