This, opening a dialog box, may not work unless you are logged in in a GUI

Just curious - will this work as written when that command is issue by Cron
by root?

I would have thought that it wouldn't, thought I have not tried.


On Mon, Jan 27, 2020, 19:47 John Jason Jordan <> wrote:

> On Mon, 27 Jan 2020 16:11:44 -0800 (PST)
> Rich Shepard <> dijo:
> >Linux mail systems have three main components: the MUA (Mail User
> >Agent) which is used to read and write messages; the SMTP (Simple Mail
> >Transport Protocol) used to send and receive mail messages; and the
> >MDA (Mail Delivery Agent) which examines incoming messages and
> >forwards them to the proper receiver.
> >
> >Claws-mail is a MUA, similar to Thunderbird, Eudora, mutt, and alpine.
> >
> >To send mail you need an MTA; sendmail is the default while postfix
> >and exim are widely used replacements.
> >
> >You have the e-mail equivalent of a telephone without a telco/wireless
> >account. If you want to mail messages to yourself to need to add the
> >transport layer.
> That is useful information, but I solved the problem another way. I
> have long used gxmessage to pop up a list of Unicode key values for
> IPA characters that I need. So just now I added the following line to
> the end of my script:
> gxmessage -name Home/jjj_backup -geometry 1300x200 -center -fg black
> -font "Junicode 22" $TS Home Backup Exit Status $?, Zero=Success
> I tested it and it is working perfectly. When I get up i the morning
> that message will be in the center of my desktop with an OK button to
> dismiss it. To hell with mail. This is even easier. Problem solved.
> Now to get to work on a script to back up /. The fun never ends. :)
> Much thanks to all for all the suggestions.
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