On Tue, 28 Jan 2020 11:24:04 -0800
Ben Koenig <techkoe...@gmail.com> dijo:

>> Now the script says '$XAUTHORITY=/home/jjj/.Xauthority gxmessage
>> -display :0 "Hello world"' but I get:
>> /home/jjj/Software/./Backup_script_for_Home.sh: line
>> 9: /home/jjj/.Xauthority=/home/jjj/.Xauthority: No such file or
>> directory
>> I checked and the .Xauthority file is really there, and a search
>> revealed that there are no other .Xauthority files or folders
>> anywhere on ~/.

>XAUTHORITY , remove the leading $ from your command. When setting a
>shell variable, just use the name. When referring to it, use the $.
>In this case the variable is unset because cron runs independently of
>X. So you run the command as follows:
>XAUTHORITY=/path/to/file DISPLAY=:0 gxmessage
>It's possible ubuntu puts it somewhere else, it doesn't need to be in
>your home folder so log in to your desktop. let's set cron aside for a
>second and test our commands to make sure they work. Here are the
>commands I used to verify that I have everything lined up:
>ben@laptop:~$ echo $XAUTHORITY
>ben@laptop:~$ echo $DISPLAY
>See how I take the value returned by echoing the variables and used
>them in the gxmessage command? It's an override, the last command can
>be run from any terminal as long as you are logged in. Once you know
>what the Xauth and DISPLAY variables should be set to, you can alt-f2
>to get out of X, and run any command regardless of where the shell is
>to pop up a window. scripts executed from cron will always need this
>treatment since they are not inherently aware of X. This changes from
>distro to distro, so the paths I have on slackware are simply the
>upstream defaults and I would not be surprised if other distros have
>their own temp folders for these auth files.

I already knew that .Xauthority was in ~/, but I double-confirmed it
with the echo command. Then I removed the leading $, and now I get

No protocol specified
Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused
gxmessage: unable to initialize GTK

I posted about this on Ubuntu forums and someone suggested that I
needed to add 'export DISPLAY=:0' before the rsync command, so I tried
it, and then I added 'export XAUTHORITY=/home/jjj/.Xauthority' as well,
but I still get the error message as above.

Here is the current incarnation of my script:

export DISPLAY=:0
export XAUTHORITY=/home/jjj/.Xauthority
rsync -avx --delete /home/jjj/ /media/jjj/Data/JJJ
gxmessage "Hello world"

And, as always, if I run the script myself the message always pops up
as expected.
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