On Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 7:41 PM David <dafr+p...@dafr.us> wrote:

> On 3/25/20 8:43 PM, Michael Barnes wrote:
> -- clip --
> >
> >
> > Source of problem discovered. Still working on why. My APRS base station
> > beacons every 30 minutes. For some reason, I recently started getting
> some
> > RFI into  things, this speaker being one of them. Just happened to be
> > looking at the APRS screen when it transmitted and heard the buzz at the
> > same time.  Now to figure out and solve why the RFI is only recently
> > getting into things.
> I have limited little knowledge about APRS and my HT is analog so, along
> with being green, I don't have much to offer here.
> The questions that spring to mind are:
> * has an antenna been added, removed, or relocated recently?
> * has the power source for the speaker or base station changed?
> * proper grounding on the base station?
> * what happens if you hit TX on your base station for voice?
> A ferrite choke may be all that is needed, but I'm not sure where it
> would need to be positioned.
> dafr
> _________

It seems the problem is pretty much limited to that particular set of
speakers.  I moved them around to other applications with similar results.
Had the problem existed when I was on another radio, I would have
immediately correlated it to RFI. Since it was picking up the APRS radio,
which just sits there doing its thing pretty much unnoticed, it never
crossed my mind. Changed speakers, problem gone. I'll have to dig into
these and try to find why they have such a problem and nothing else does.
Thanks for everyone's comments.

Michael WA7SKG
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