On 4/30/20 5:14 PM, Mike C. wrote:
"It is probably not the best idea to require iPhone purchase or FB/MS
account as a condition of attendance."

Excellent point! One that I didn't consider either?

Funny story: Okay, maybe "funny" isn't the right word: Apple has made iOS central to their ecosystem to a point that if two-factor authentication is turned on, you must use iOS and 2FA cannot be turned off. I have used an Apple desktop/laptop since 1979 for some tasks but only an iPhone briefly. My wife went to Europe and I, are you sitting down? Needed to install a minor update on my laptop. LOGICALLY, I needed a code that flashed on the screen of my wife's phone (at 3AM her time) to install something trivial on my computer.

Pressing them, the "solution" is to buy an iPod Touch or transition to iPhone, neither of which I would like to do. The "family" plan is better configured now but I fear this happening again.

Related, my daughter lost all of her iPhone data when it died in some way. She had a false sense of security with backups and somewhat to their credit, Apple makes it impossible for the "enemy" to get into a phone. However, that prevented the ONE AUTHORIZED USER from any chance of getting their data back.

So no, I don't want PLUG to rely too heavily on proprietary and closed tools and ecosystems.

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