On 6/4/20 2:38 PM, John Jason Jordan wrote:
On Thu, 4 Jun 2020 09:48:03 -0700
Dick Steffens <d...@dicksteffens.com> dijo:

Check the output of df yourVolumeDir to find out where it is mounted
It's not mounted. Right clicking on it and choosing either the Open or
Mount Volume option puts up a dialog:

Mount Failed
Failed to mount "Volume"
The given volume was not found
Kill Thunar, then restart it. Does the phantom folder still appear? If
so, restart the computer.

How does one kill thunar. Thunar doesn't appear in ps ax.

Another option, right click on it and see if there is a properties

The properties entry is grayed out.

Also, try the mount command. Maybe it will give you some clues.

As reported earlier, right clicking and mounting doesn't work. I just tried to mount with the command line. First I cd'd to Desktop, the looked at the content with ls. The icon that shows on the desktop does not appear in the list of files.

I have had phantom volumes appear in Xubuntu 18.04. Usually restarting
the computer gets rid of them.

Yes. I've experienced that over the years. Having just a bit of spare time right now, I was hoping to learn more about what they are, what causes them, and how to prevent it.. It's a non-critical thing. More of a curiosity.


Dick Steffens

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