On Sun, 21 Jun 2020 12:06:16 -0700
John Jason Jordan <joh...@gmx.com> dijo:

>I have several .iso files, and I'm not sure which one I'm supposed to
>use. The web page where I downloaded it had a button that said it was
>to downloiad the 2.29-1.08, which is for a t61. But my iso files are
>7luj27uc.iso, #1.iso, and #2.iso, plus several more in folders labeled
>'32-bit.' None are labeled 2.29-1.08.

I finally decided that the 7luj27uc.iso was the one I should use. I
made that decision based on the fact that it was the only one that was
never mentioned in any of the instructions. If it was the one to use
for a 64-bit OS why didn't they label it 'this_is_the_64-bit_middleton_bios_
that_you've_been_looking_all_over_hell_for.iso? I mean, 7luj27uc?

It seems to be working. That is, I have no working disk to check it
with, but a live Xubuntu 20.04 flash drive booted OK. We'll see after my
new SSD shows up.
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